Endla Nature Reserve

Endla Moor is an internationally known wetland (Ramsar convention). People call it the ‘wonderland of moors’. Endla Nature reserve has five hiking trails …

Emumäe Nature Park

Emumägi Hill is the highest point in Pandivere Upland and in the whole North-Estonia, reaching 166 m over sealevel. Emumäe region has two reserves – Emumäe Landscape Protection Area (536 ha) and …

Äntu Lakes

Äntu Lakes are the clearest lakes in Estonia – that is why divers like them. Near the lakes, 20 km north of Toomihkli farm are located …

Emumäe Run

Emumäe Run tradionally takes place at the end of May. This year the run is held for the 7th time, and it is …